您的位置 首页 英语培训机构


1. hello!/hi! 你好!
2. how are you? 你还好吗?
3. thank you./thanks. 谢谢!
4. you’re welcome. 不谦让!
5. please. 请。
6. sorry. 对不住。
7. bye!/goodbye! 再会!
8. what’s your name? 你叫啥名字?
9. my name is [your name]. 我叫[你的名字]。
10. can i help you? 我能帮你吗?

11. where is the train station? 火车站在哪里?
12. which platform for train to [destination]? 去[意图地]的火车在哪个站台?
13. how do i get to [place]? 如何去[某个当地]?
14. do you have a map? 你有一张地图吗?
15. i need a taxi/bus/subway. 我需要一辆租借车/公交车/地铁。
16. what time does the train leave? 火车几点脱离?
17. what time does the bus arrive? 公交车几点抵达?
18. can i have a ticket to [destination]? 我能买一张去[意图地]的票吗?
19. where is the luggage pickup point? 行李收取处在哪里?
20. my luggage hasn’t arrived yet. 我的行李还没有抵达。
21. how much is it? 这个多少钱?
22. can you show me that item? 能给我看看那件产品吗?
23. do you have any discount? 有扣头吗?
24. i’d like to pay [method of payment]. 我想用[付款方法]付款。
25. can i have a receipt? 能给我一张收据吗?
26. i need [item] 我需要[产品名]。
27. do you have [item] in stock? [产品名]有库存吗?
28. can you recommend something similar? 你能举荐一些类似的吗?
29. the fit is too tight/loose. 标准太紧/松了。
30. i’d like to return this item

. 我想退掉这个产品。
31. do you have a room available? 有空房间吗?
32. i’d like a [type of room], please. 我想要一个[房型]。
33. how much is the accommodation fee? 住宿费用是多少?
34. what is included in the breakfast? 早餐包括哪些?
35. can i request a wake-up call? 能设定一个叫醒效能吗?
36. how do i check out? 如何退房?
37. where can i eat nearby? 邻近有哪些饭馆?
38. what kind of food do you serve? 你们供给哪些菜肴?
39. i’m allergic to [food item]. 我对[某种食物]过敏。
40. can you recommend a dish that is gluten-free? 能举荐一道无麸质主菜吗?
41: what time does the restaurant close? 餐厅几点关门?
42: can i bring my own wine/beer? 我能自个带酒/饮料吗?(^o^)/
43: how much is the cover charge? 需要交多少押金?()???三代同堂!/ /?我抓狂了!/ |?干杯!(^o^)/
44. what are some popular tourist attractions here? 这儿有哪些受等待的旅行景点?
45. how can i get to [place]? 如何去到[某个当地]?
46. is there a guided tour available? 有导游效能吗?
47. what time does the tour start? 旅行团啥时分隔端?
48. can i book a private tour? 我能预定私家旅行团吗?
49. what is the cost of entrance to [place]? [景点名]的出场费是多少?
50. can i take photos here? 我可以在这儿拍摄吗?


关于作者: admin
