lesson 1职场【职场晋升】
.Do you work or are you a housewife? 你上班,仍是做家庭妇女?
I am a full-time working mom. I go to work everyday.我是全职事情的妈妈 我天天都去事情。
I’m a housewife. I have stayed at home for five years. 我是一个家庭妇女,我在家内里呆了有5年了。
.How many jobs have you had in your life? Which one do you like best? 你这辈子干过几份事情?最喜好此中哪一份?
I have had 2 jobs in my life. 我这辈子干过2份事情。
My first job was in a hospital.我的第一份事情是在病院上班
My second job is my current job.我的第二份事情就是我今朝的事情。
I’m doing the job I like right now. 我如今正在做着我喜好的事情。
What’s your greatest strength in your career? 你在职业上最大的拿手是甚么?
I’m a patient person. 我是一个有耐烦的人。
I have a good temper. 我脾性很好。
.Do you have any weaknesses in your career? 你在职业上有甚么短板吗?
I’m not good at co妹妹unication. 我不擅擅长沟通。
I’m not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. 我不擅擅长处置人际瓜葛。
.Do you prefer to be an employee or a freelancer? 你喜好打工,仍是做自由职业者?
I prefer to be an employee. 我喜好打工。
I prefer to be a freelancer. 我喜好做自由职业者。
.Do you get along well with your boss and colleagues? 你跟你老板和同事的瓜葛相处得好吗?
Yes, I get along well with my boss and my colleagues. 是的,我跟老板和同事相处的很是好。
I don’t get along well with some of my colleagues.