我们好,今日咱们共享一个非常有用且地道的表达——pink-collar, 这个短语的意义不是指“粉色的衣领”,其正
pink-collar 粉红领阶层的,妇女所从事的作业
A secretary has always been a pink-collar job.
Until recently secretarial work and nursing were very much pink-collar professions.
There is nothing wrong with women finding work in a pink-collar profession. The problem is in expecting women—and only women—to work in those types of jobs.
女人在粉领阶层找作业没有啥错。 疑问是等待只需女人在这些领域作业。
After graduation, she picked up a pink-collar job as a secretary in a big company.
她结业后, 便在一家大公司里做了粉领阶层,当上了一名女秘书。
My daughter refused to work in pink-collar profession. Instead, she became a mechanic.