1) 咱们是把下面的“英语阅览”当英译汉,?怠敝形睦炊聊兀咳允堑庇⒁胗ⅲ8怠庇⒂锢炊粒缓驩kay.I got you.I know how to say 一月大二月小 in English now?
How many odd,or even numbered months in a year?
There’re 365 days and 12 months in a year. Each month varies=is different according to days from 28 to
The odd months have 31 days and the even months have 30 days in them,assuming it’s not a leap year that has only 28 days in February.
So,the odd months are January,March,May,July,September,and November
So,the even months are February,April,June,August,October and December.
2) 把英
1.Okay.I got you.An odd numbered month,or odd month has 31 days in it,like January,like March,like May,like July,
and so on.
咱们仍是尽量不要用“大”去了解odd,多想想英语31 days,January等等吧。
2.Okay.I got you.An even numbered month,or even month has 30 days in it,except for a leap year,meaning it has only 28 days in February,like April,like June,etc.
3.So,we can say January is an odf month.February is an even month,and so on.
假定咱们不把英语阅览当英语口语来练,信赖许多人会把英语Odd month?怠背芍形摹按蟆保墒牵囟ú换崾炝吩擞肑anuary,February等英语。这就是英语“学而无用”。