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2020年度 最美的十个英语单词排名,我保证你只认识一个!

Did you know that there are approximately 6,500 different languages being spoken in the world, right now?


According to research, the most beautiful languages in the world, include: French, also known as the language of love, due to the way it’s spoken. German, due to the way it’s sung. Arabic, due to the way it’s written. Italian, due to its body language. And English, due to its beautiful backstory.


Although English isn’t considered a romantic language like Portuguese, French and

Italian, there’s no doubt that it can be just as beautiful and if you’re looking to expand on your English vocabulary, then you’re in the right place because I’m going to be sharing with you 10 of the most beautiful words of year 2020 in the English language, as well as their meaning and examples.


Let’s Go!



Placing hands on hips and elbows facing outwards 将手放在胯部上,胳膊肘朝外 (叉腰)“The headteacher walked in, arms akimbo and yelled at our behaviour.” 教员走进来,叉着腰高声责怪咱们


Delicacy 极为谨慎地

Handling something with extreme care 极为谨慎“She handled her baby brother with delicacy.” 她超等谨慎地抱着她的弟弟第八名

Ephemeral 短暂的

Something which only lasts for a very short period of time 电光石火的“It was the best day of my life, too bad it was only ephemeral.” 那是我生命里最棒的一天,惋惜其实过短暂了第七名

Ethereal 空灵,灵动

Extremely delicate and light 极为轻盈“She claimed her sleeping baby had an ethereal appearance.”她说她的宝宝熟睡时的模样出格灵动第六名

Euphoria 欣怅然

An intense feeling of happiness and well-being 强烈的幸福感“You are the cause of my euphoria.” 你是我幸福的源泉第五名

Idyllic 田园诗

Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque 很是幸福 井井有理“My balcony has such an idyllic setting.” 我的阳台被我打理的一片田园气象第四名

Plethora 大量的

A very large amount of something 大都的,大量的“I have a plethora of music to choose from.” 我有出格多的音乐可供选择第三名



essential 最首要的“Most people agree that watermelon is the quintessential fruit of the su妹妹er.” 人们一致认为西瓜是炎天最首要的瓜果第二名

Tranquillity 安好

A very calm state 安好的状况“They closed their eyes and enjoyed the tranquillity.” 他们闭着眼,享受着现在的安好第一位

关于作者: admin
