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我们好,我叫埃莉诺-德沃,本年20岁。hello my name is eleanordevo and i am 20 years old。我来自法国,im going into my third year at the london school,研讨经济史,studying economic history,我在北京、法国和东京长大,i grew up in beijing france and tokyo.我对我国有着激烈的热心,and and i have a strong passion for china,我感快乐喜爱的领域是我国的工业打开,my area of interest is developing,industries in china.我将来一到三年的方针是,and my goal in the next one to threeyears would be,甚至是长时刻发扬作用,or even long term would be to play a role.将我国的工业打开到顶级商场,ing,developing industries in china to top tier,markets.我认为斯瓦什曼奖学金,i think that the swashman scholarship,would give me the perfec.我国劳作力商场的风险播

散,exposure to the chinese labor market.会加深我的,would deepen my,晓得我国打开中的工业。

understanding of the chinese developingindustries,给我正确的技能来完成我的方针,and give me the right skill sets to achievemy goals,我就会,and i would be,很侥幸被选为斯瓦什曼专家,very honored to be considered as a.swashman 肠镜,在我下一年结业之后,after i graduated next year.非常谢谢您的名贵时刻,thank you very much for your time.

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