英语口语 put sth into perspective 是啥意思

??in the grand scheme of things从全局来看


Our world is home to so many species of life. In the grand scheme of things, human beings are just a tiny part of life on Earth.咱们的世界具有超级多的物种。从微观上看,人类只是地球生命的一小有些。

put something into perspective客观地看待某个事物、换一个正确的视点来看

假定你 put something into perspective ,则标明你知道到或使别人知道到你所指的东西的重要性。或许说是把这个东西放在在合理的观念或评价规模内。

If my kid asks me : Why are we not as rich as Bill Gates? I probably would answer: Well, we are not

rich but at least you have warm food to eat every day and a bed to sleep in every night. To put it into perspective, you have it better

than at least half the children in the world.假定我的孩子问我:为啥咱们没有比尔盖茨赋有?我可以会答复:嗯,咱们并不殷实,但至少你每天都有温暖的食物吃,每晚都有床睡。客观地来看,你比世界上至少一半的孩子都要好。

put it this way 这么说吧、你可以这么来了解


A:I don’t like your girlfriend.


B: Why not?Because of her looks? Because of her personality?


A:Let me put it this way. She’s actually my ex.


关于作者: admin
