
??“我们将国宝送到给了您,请珍惜它们。”“we sent our treasures to your country. please treat them more carefully.”

禁止商业性近距离接触圈养大熊猫ban close contact with captives giant pandas for any commercial activity;

大熊猫是世界上最濒危的物种之一。giant pandas are one of the world’s most endangered species.

通过圈养繁殖计划增加熊猫数量 raise the number of pandas by captive-breeding programs;

实现圈养大熊猫种群的自我保护与可持续发展 realize the self-sustaining and sustainable development of the captive panda population;

珍稀动物保护 rare animal protection;

动物防疫 animal quarantine;

陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial


一客一用一消毒disinfection after each serving

数字化健康证明digital health certificate

统一的应急物资保障体系unified emergency supply system

控制传染源、切断传播途径to control the sources of infection and cut off the channels of transmission

打破传播链to break the chains of transmission

内防扩散、外防输出to prevent the coronavirus from spreading within the city/region or beyond

?川藏铁路 sichuan-tibet railway

西部大开发western development


关于作者: admin
